Sabtu, 11 Februari 2017

..] 500ml AirPro Mini Compact Air Dehumidifier for Home, Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, Caravan etc [..


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[ln] Ideal for removing Damp, Mould and Moisture from Home, Kitchen, Bedroom, Caravan, Garage [ln] [ln]
- [ln] Automatically shuts off and indicator light when maximum capacity reached [ln] [ln]
- [ln] Ultra-Quiet Peltier Technology. Thermo-Electric Cooling (No compressor needed) [ln] [ln]
- [ln] AirPro ® 500 ml High-efficiency, Lightweight and Portable Dehumidifier [ln] [ln]
- [ln] Removes up to 250ml of moisture/day with 500ml water tank capacity [ln] [ln]


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